Klinov Aleksandr

Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Professor of Kazan State Technological University.

Contact Information:

420015, Kazan, st. K. Marx, 68, Kazan National Research Technological University (KNITU)
e-mail: alklin@kstu.ru
Tel. work .: (843) 231-40-46; 272-51-44
Tel. mob .: 8-904-660-71-35


  • Head of the Department of Processes and Devices of Chemical Technology, Kazan State Technological University.
  • Academician of the International Academy of Systems Research.
  • Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission on Chemical Technology.
  • Member of the editorial board of TOKHT and “Bulletin of Kazan Technological University” magazines.
    Author of more than 150 works, including 1 scientific monograph, 4 textbooks for higher education, one of them with the FUMO stamp in the direction of training 18.00.00 “Chemical technologies”

Research interests

Molecular statistical methods for describing the equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of gas and liquid mixtures; mathematical modeling of chemical technology processes; experimental study of heat and mass transfer processes on contact devices and membrane separation processes; computational fluid dynamics methods for calculating multiphase flows in devices of various geometries.

Primary publications

  1. Klinov A.V., Dyakonov G.S., Dyakonov S.G. Description of phase transitions of multicomponent systems based on integral equations for partial distribution functions // Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2004. T. 78. No. 4. S. 602-608.
  2. Klinov A.V., Fazlyev A.R., Farakhov M.I., Akberov R.R. Experimental investigation and modeling through using the solution-diffusion concept of pervaporation dehydration of ethanol and isopropanol by ceramic membranes HYBSI // Journal of Membrane Science. 2017.Vol. 524. p. 321-333.
  3. Anashkin I., Klinov A. Thermodynamic behavior of charged Lennard-Jones fluids // Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2017.Vol. 234.p. 424-429.
  4. Minibaeva L.R., Mukhametzyanova A.G., Klinov A.V. Numerical modeling of the hydrodynamic structure of the flow in apparatuses with mixing devices // Bulletin of Kazan Technological University. 2008. No. 6. S. 191-198.
  5. Klinov A.V., Anashkin I.P., Akberov R.R. Modeling the pervaporation of an ethanol-water mixture on a hybrid silicon oxide membrane by the molecular dynamics method // High Temperature Thermal Physics. 2018.Vol. 56.No. 1.P. 71-78.
  6. Razinov A.I., Klinov A.V., Dyakonov G.S., Processes and devices of chemical technology: Textbook. allowance. – Kazan, KNRTU.-2017 – 859 p. – Gif FUMO in the direction of training 18.00.00 “Chemical technologies”.
  7. A. V. Klinov Promising methods for studying the processes and devices of chemical technology (hydrodynamics, thermodynamic properties, membrane processes) // In the collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Planovsky. 2016.S. 76-84.
  8. Klinov A.V., Fazlyev A.R., Akberov R.R. Modeling the process of the first vaporization of an ethanol-water mixture on non-porous membranes // Bulletin of the Technological University. 2015. T. 18.No. 17.P. 67-71.