Klinov Aleksandr
Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Professor of Kazan State Technological University.
Contact Information:
420015, Kazan, st. K. Marx, 68, Kazan National Research Technological University (KNITU)
e-mail: alklin@kstu.ru
Tel. work .: (843) 231-40-46; 272-51-44
Tel. mob .: 8-904-660-71-35
- Head of the Department of Processes and Devices of Chemical Technology, Kazan State Technological University.
- Academician of the International Academy of Systems Research.
- Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission on Chemical Technology.
- Member of the editorial board of TOKHT and “Bulletin of Kazan Technological University” magazines.
Author of more than 150 works, including 1 scientific monograph, 4 textbooks for higher education, one of them with the FUMO stamp in the direction of training 18.00.00 “Chemical technologies”
Research interests
Molecular statistical methods for describing the equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of gas and liquid mixtures; mathematical modeling of chemical technology processes; experimental study of heat and mass transfer processes on contact devices and membrane separation processes; computational fluid dynamics methods for calculating multiphase flows in devices of various geometries.
Primary publications
- Klinov A.V., Dyakonov G.S., Dyakonov S.G. Description of phase transitions of multicomponent systems based on integral equations for partial distribution functions // Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2004. T. 78. No. 4. S. 602-608.
- Klinov A.V., Fazlyev A.R., Farakhov M.I., Akberov R.R. Experimental investigation and modeling through using the solution-diffusion concept of pervaporation dehydration of ethanol and isopropanol by ceramic membranes HYBSI // Journal of Membrane Science. 2017.Vol. 524. p. 321-333.
- Anashkin I., Klinov A. Thermodynamic behavior of charged Lennard-Jones fluids // Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2017.Vol. 234.p. 424-429.
- Minibaeva L.R., Mukhametzyanova A.G., Klinov A.V. Numerical modeling of the hydrodynamic structure of the flow in apparatuses with mixing devices // Bulletin of Kazan Technological University. 2008. No. 6. S. 191-198.
- Klinov A.V., Anashkin I.P., Akberov R.R. Modeling the pervaporation of an ethanol-water mixture on a hybrid silicon oxide membrane by the molecular dynamics method // High Temperature Thermal Physics. 2018.Vol. 56.No. 1.P. 71-78.
- Razinov A.I., Klinov A.V., Dyakonov G.S., Processes and devices of chemical technology: Textbook. allowance. – Kazan, KNRTU.-2017 – 859 p. – Gif FUMO in the direction of training 18.00.00 “Chemical technologies”.
- A. V. Klinov Promising methods for studying the processes and devices of chemical technology (hydrodynamics, thermodynamic properties, membrane processes) // In the collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Planovsky. 2016.S. 76-84.
- Klinov A.V., Fazlyev A.R., Akberov R.R. Modeling the process of the first vaporization of an ethanol-water mixture on non-porous membranes // Bulletin of the Technological University. 2015. T. 18.No. 17.P. 67-71.