Grunskij Vladimir

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Contact Information:
Moscow, Miusskaya square 9, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.
Tel. work .: (499) 978-91-45; 978-90-63.
Tel. mob .: 8-985-922-01-56.
- Head of the Department of General Chemical Technology of Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.
- Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
- Author of over 200 works, 30 patents.
Research interests
Directed synthesis of polyfunctional highly permeable block contact elements and sorbent filters based on highly porous cellular ceramic materials, problems of sorption – catalytic purification of waste gases from harmful, including radioactive impurities.
Primary publications
- Grunsky V.N., Bespalov A.V., Davidkhanova M.G., Rumyantseva O.V. Block highly porous cellular palladium catalyst in the process of liquid-phase hydrogenation of dibenzalacetone // Chemical Industry Today. 2016. No. 6. P.4-
- Gasparyan M.D., Grunsky V.N., Bespalov A.V., Davidkhanova M.G., Kabanov A.N., Lukin E.S., Popova N.A., Kharitonov N.I. Synthesis of polyfunctional highly porous block-cellular materials based on oxide ceramics // Ogneupory and technical ceramics. 2016. No. 6. P.1-7.
- Gasparyan M.D., Grunsky V.N., Bespalov A.V., Davidkhanova M.G., Kharitonov N.I., Popova N.A. Structural and mechanical characteristics of polyfunctional highly porous permeable block-cellular materials based on oxide ceramics. Chemical Industry Today. 2016. No. 6. P.9-15.
- Liberman E. Yu., Naumkin AV, Mikhailichenko AI, Batrakova MK, Maslakov KI, Revina AA, Papkova MV, Kon’kova TV, Grunskii VN, Gasparyan MD, Karpovich AL, Lizunova AA Au / Ce0.72Zr0.18Pr0.1O2 Nanodisperse Catalyst of Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide // Russian journal of phisical chemistry A. 2016. V. 90. No. 1. P. 166-172.
- Liberman E. Yu, A.V. Naumkin, M.V. Tsodikov, A.I. Mikhailichenko, T.V. Kon’kova, V.N. Grunskii, Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of a Au / MnOx – CeO2Nanocatalyst for Low-Temperature Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide.INORGANIC MATERIALS. 2017. Vol. 53.No. 4. – P. 406-412.
- Semenov G.M., Vyatkin Yu.L., Vanchurin V.I., Grunsky V.N., Davidkhanova M.G. and others. General chemical technology. Chemical technological systems. Laboratory workshop. M. RKhTU them. DI. Mendeleeva, 2017, 112 p.