D’yachkova Svetlana

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor.
Head of the Department of Chemical Technology, Irkutsk National Research Technical University.
Contact Information:
664074, Russia, Irkutsk, st. Lermontov, 83, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Department of Chemical Technology.
e-mail: dsg2108@gmail.com dyachkova@istu.edu
Tel. work .: (3952) 40-51-19;
Tel. mob .: 8-902-761-19-21
- Scientific director of the Scientific Research Laboratory for Research and Analysis of Oil and Oil Products.
- Academician of the International Academy of Systems Research.
- Responsible executor from Irkutsk National Research Technical University on the Technological platform “Deep processing of hydrocarbon resources”.
- Author of 18 certificates of authorship and patents, more than 200 publications, incl. three monographs, was the scientific supervisor and executor of grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, a grant from the President of the Russian Federation MK, a grant from BP, the Academic Council of the University.
- Under the leadership of S.G. Dyachkova a large amount of contractual work is being carried out, scientific and industrial relations with the enterprises of the oil and gas chemical cluster are being strengthened.
- Head of the master’s programs “Chemical technology of organic substances and fuels” and “Basics of designing petrochemical and chemical industries”.
- Head of the direction “Chemical technology” of postgraduate and undergraduate studies of Irkutsk National Research Technical University.
Research interests
Chemistry and technology of hydrocarbon processing.
Research and improvement of the efficiency of oil refining processes.
Integration of oil refining and petrochemical industries by involving the main and by-products of petrochemicals in commercial fuels as additives and additives in order to increase the margins of refinery products and solve the problems of import substitution.
Oil sludge processing. Environmental aspects of storage and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials.
Primary publications
- Dyachkova S.G. G.V. Bozhenkov Gubanov N.D. , Kuzora I.E. Research and optimization of the operation of the straight-run naphtha separation unit of the isomerization unit of JSC ANHK // World of oil products. Bulletin of oil companies. -2014, No. 9, pp. 11-15
- Dyachkova S.G. Kuzora I.E. Dubrovsky D.A. Cherepanov V.D. Use of middle distillate products of secondary oil refining to increase the production of diesel fuel EURO) // World of oil products. Bulletin of oil companies. – 2016. – №3. – S. 51 – 56.
- Kuzora I.E. Novichikhin D.N. Cherepanov V.D. Marushchenko I.Yu. Dyachkova S.G. Analysis and ways of regulating the content of metals and silicon in the residual products of oil refining // Petrochemistry and Oil Refining No. 4 for 2017, pp. 18-26
- Dyachkova S.G. Gubanov N.D. Rybkin A.Ya. Single-column scheme of primary distillation of oil using a hydrocarbon stripping agent for small refineries) .// The world of oil products. Bulletin
oil companies. – – 2016. – No. 6. – S. 51 – 56. - Dyachkova S.G. Gubanov N.D. G.V. Bozhenkov Utilization of oil refining waste, problems and methods of solution. // World of Oil Products. Bulletin of oil companies. – 2015. – No. 6. – S. 51 – 56.
- Dyachkova S.G., Rybkin A.Ya., Gorbunova O.V. Losses of oil products in Sakhaneftegazsbyt JSC, problems and methods of their solution // Life Safety “No. 1, 2018. P. 18-25
- Ganina A.A., Kuzora I.E., Dyachkova S.G. Chemical and chemical analysis of low-tonnage octane-increasing additives to motor fuels // Petrochemistry and Oil Refining No. 3 for 2018, pp. 47-50