Dornyak Ol’ga

Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Contact Information:
394087, Voronezh, st. Timiryazeva, 8, Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov.
Tel. work .: (473) 2537-308
Tel. mob .: 8-908-144-90-97
- Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Heat Engineering and Hydraulics, Voronezh State Forestry and Technologies University named after G.F. Morozov.
- Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia.
- Author of over 200 works, including 2 monographs.
Research interests
Heat and mass transfer, multiphase systems, rheology, mathematical modeling, colloidal capillary-porous materials, drying, pressing, contact heat transfer.
Primary publications
- Popov V.M., Dornyak O.R., Vnukov A.N. The influence of combined magnetic and vibrowave fields on the thermal conductivity and strength of filled polymer adhesives // Polymer Science. Series D. 2018. Т. 11. № 1. С. 28-32.
- Polilov A.N., Dornyak O.R., Shamaev V.A., Rumachik M.M. Justification of the production process of pressed wood and study of its properties // Mechanics of Composite Materials. 2018. Т. 54. № 2. С. 221-230.
- Nikulin S.S., Provotorova M.A., Popov V.M., Dornyak O.R., Kondratenko I.Y., Latynin A.V., Shulgina Y.E. Effect of combined action of constant electric field and ultrasound on properties of polymer adhesives // Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry. 2017. Т. 90. № 6. С. 940-945.
- Popov V.M., Dornyak O.R. Joints on glues modified by the action of physical fields // Monograph. – Voronezh, 2016.
- Kosheleva M.K., Dornyak O.R., Novikova T.A. Investigation of the sorption properties of cotton fabrics in technological finishing operations. Izvestiya of higher educational institutions. Textile industry technology. 2016. No. 3 (363). S. 242-246.
- Popov V.M., Dornyak O.R. Heat conductivity of adhesive interlayers of composites with adhesives modified by the action of combined physical fields // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. 2015. Т. 88. № 2. С. 531-536.
- Dornyak O.R. Mathematical modeling of the wood compaction process // Engineering Physics Journal. 2005. T. 78. No. 5. S. 62-69.
- Dornyak O.R., Shamaev V.A. Mathematical modeling of intensive processes of heat and mass transfer during convective drying of wood // Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University. 2011. T. 7. No. 12-1. S. 85-91.