Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Technical Symposium (ISTS) “Improving Energy and Resource Efficiency, Environmental and Technological Safety of Processes and Apparatuses in the Chemical and Related Industries”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of P.G. Romankov, which will be held on February 20–22, 2024 as part of the Fourth International Kosygin Forum at the Kosygin State University of Russia in accordance with the action plan for the 10th anniversary of Science and Technology.
You can register and submit articles with reviews on the ISTS website http://www.eeste.org
Deadline for submission of articles: November 1, 2023
Notification of the results of consideration of articles: until December 15, 2023
Requirements for reports (articles)
The ISTS program will include concept papers containing new ideas and approaches, analytical reviews, reports and reports on previously unpublished results.
Procedure for submission and selection of reports (articles)
The article should clearly reflect the content of the proposed report (message). The volume of the article should be at least three and no more than six carefully edited pages, including a list of references (preferably no more than 10 sources).
A sample article design is available on the official website www.eeste.org in the “For Authors” -> “Requirements” section. Articles of a declarative nature will not be published.
Postgraduates and undergraduates submit material only together with supervisors!
Abstracts of reports will not be published and should not be sent!
The article is accompanied by a review with the signature of the reviewer, certified by the seal! Registration fee and payment for the publication of articles are not charged!
Publication of ISTS materials
By the beginning of the ISTS, scientific papers indexed in the RISC with articles in the original language will be published.
Each of the articles in the collection of scientific papers will be assigned a DOI identifier.
Articles selected by reviewers will be published in two or three special issues of journals included in the list of HAC indexed in Scopus.
Purpose of ISTS
Exchange of scientific and technical information in the field of theory and practice of modern energy-resource efficient environmentally and technologically safe mass transfer, thermal, hydromechanical and other processes and apparatuses of chemical, oil and gas processing, textile, light, food, woodworking, microbiological, medical, pulp and paper and other industries and agro-industrial complex.
Discussion of ways to implement promising energy and resource efficient environmentally and technologically safe developments in the field of mass transfer, thermal, hydromechanical and other processes and devices.
Symposium structure
The symposium includes plenary sessions, sections with oral and poster presentation of reports (messages). It is planned to hold a competition of scientific works of young (up to 35 years old) scientists from different countries.
The working languages of the Symposium are English and Russian.
The main areas of work of the ISTS
Direction 1. Theory and mathematical modeling, digital technologies in energy-resource efficient processes and technological systems
Direction 2. Technology and hardware design of energy-resource-efficient environmentally and technologically safe processes and apparatuses for chemical, oil and gas processing, textile, light, food, woodworking, microbiological, medical, pulp and paper and other industries and agro-industrial complex
Direction 3. Processes and systems for protecting the technosphere (industrial and environmental safety, risk management)
Direction 4. Modern environmentally friendly innovative technologies for obtaining new functional polymeric and nanomaterials
ISTS organizers
– Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
– Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
– The Russian Academy of Sciences
– Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations
– All-China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)
– The Kosygin State University of Russia
– D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
– Russian Engineering Academy
– Eurasian Information and Analytical Consortium
– RUSEA Committee on Problems of Energy and Resource Efficient Chemical Technologies
– N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
– Institute of Heat and Mass Exchange named after A.V. Lykov NAS of Belarus
– Belarusian State University of Food and Chemical Technologies
– St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University)
– Moscow Polytechnic University
– Institute of System Programming named after V.P. Ivannikov RAS
– Russian University of Chemical Technology named after D.I. Mendeleev
– Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (National Research University)
– LLC «PH-Service» (subsidiary Company of PJSC «NC «Rosneft»)
Symposium President
President of the Russian Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations (RUSEA), President of Prokhorov Academy of Engineering Sciences, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gulyaev Yury Vasilievich
Co-Chairs of the Program (Scientific) Committee
- Rector of the Kosygin State University of Russia Professor Belgorodsky Valery Savelyevich
- President of D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Tsivadze Aslan Yusupovich
- President of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Gusev Boris Vladimirovich
- President-elect of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) Professor Gong Ke
- Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ivanov Vladimir Viktorovich
- Vice President of the D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society, co-chairman of the RUSEA Committee on Energy and Resource Efficient Chemical Technologies, Professor Kulov Nikolai Nikolaevich
- Member of the Board of D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society, Director of the International Institute of Logistics, Resource Saving and Technological Innovation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Meshalkin Valery Pavlovich
- Director of the Institute of System Programming named after V.P. Ivannikov RAS, Academician of the RAS Arutyun Ishkhanovich Avetisyan
- Director of N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Ivanov Vladimir Konstantinovich
Scientific Secretary of the Program (Scientific) Committee
Professor of the Kosygin State University of Russia Kosheleva Maria Konstantinovna
(tel. mob. 8 (963) 632 18 04, e-mail: info@eeste.org)
Composition of the program (scientific) international committee
Abiev R.Sh., prof. (Russia)
Avetisyan A.I., Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Akulich A.V., prof. (Belarus)
Akulich P.V., prof. (Belarus)
Belgorodsky V.S., prof. (Russia)
Berentgarten M.G., prof. (Russia)
Bokova E.S., prof. (Russia)
Voshkin A.A., corresponding member. RAS (Russia
Garyaev A.B., prof. (Russia)
Grunsky V.N., prof. (Russia)
Gulyaev Yu.V., acad. RAS (Russia)
Gusev B.V., corresponding member RAS (Russia)
Dornyak O.R., prof. (Russia)
Drukarenko S.P., Dr. (Russia)
Dyakonov S.G., prof. (Russia)
Zhukov V.P., prof. (Russia)
Ivanov V.V., corresponding member. RAS (Russia)
Ivanov V.K., corresponding member RAS (Russia)
Kildeeva N.R., prof. (Russia)
Klinov A.V., prof. (Russia)
Kobrakov K.I., prof. (Russia)
Kosheleva M.K., prof. (Russia)
Kulichikhin V.G., corresponding member. RAS (Russia)
Kulov N.N., prof. (Russia)
Labutin A.N., prof. (Russia)
Leontiev L.I., acad. RAS (Russia)
Lesovik V.S., corresponding member RAASN (Russia)
Lipin A.G., prof. (Russia)
Lukachevsky B.P., Dr. (Russia)
Lysenko A.A., prof. ( Russia)
Mazhuga A.G., prof. (Russia)
Makarenkov D.A., Dr. (Russia)
Meshalkin V.P., acad. RAS (Russia)
Olshanskaya L.N., prof. (Russia)
Pavlyukevich N.V., corresponding member NAS R.Belarus (Belarus)
Ravichev L.V., prof. (Russia)
Rudobashta S.P., prof. (Russia)
Sedlyarov O.I., prof. (Russia)
Silakov A.V., prof. (Russia)
Sysolyatin S.V., Corresponding Member RAS (Russia)
Tarantseva K.R., prof. (Russia)
Fedosov S.V., acad. RAASN (Russia)
Flisyuk O.M., prof. (Russia)
Frolkova A.K., prof. (Russia)
Khmelev V.N., prof. (Russia)
Kholkin A.I., acad. RAS (Russia)
Tsivadze A.Yu., acad. RAS (Russia)
Alves-Filho O., prof. (Norway)
Anthony I. Okoh, Prof. (South Africa)
Dang Vu Minh, prof. (Vietnam)
Ditl P., prof. (Czech Reb.)
Gerhardt Ribatski, prof. (Brazil)
Gong K.E., prof. (China)
Kiwi-Minsker Lioubov, prof. (Switzerland)
Levitsky S., prof. (Israel)
Mujumdar Arun S, prof. (Canada, Singapore)
Rieger F., prof. (Czech Reb.)
Ritunesh Kumar, prof. (India)
Tapio Salmi, prof. (Finland)
Wang Xin, prof. (China)
Yin Bin, prof. (China, Russia)
Khalikov D.Kh., Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajikistan)
Symposium website: www.eeste.org
e-mail: info@eeste.org
Scientific Secretary of the Scientific Committee, Professor of the Kosygin State University of Russia
Kosheleva Maria Konstantinovna:
+7(926) 355-04-48
+7(963) 632-18-73 (WhatsApp)
e-mail: info@eeste.org
Information Support of the Symposium on sites
http://www.eeste.org, http://kosygin-rgu.ru, https://etpeb.ru/, http://www.rusea.info, http://chem-com.ru