Shadrina Natal’ya

Candidate of technical Sciences

Senior Researcher, General Director of “Khimtech-Holding”.

Contact Information:
127106, Moscow, Hotel passage, 6, pod. 5, pom. 353, building 2.
Tel. work .: (495) 796-15-16 (multi-channel)
Tel. mob. 8-905-712-04-96.


  • General Director of “Khimtech-holding”  – the official representative of a number of German factories for the production of phosphates and phosphonates for various industries, including paints and varnishes, household chemicals, the production of polymer materials, pharmaceuticals, etc.
  • Author of over 30 scientific articles in various scientific and technical journals and collections.

Research interests

Investigation of heat and mass transfer in dispersed materials, the creation of fire-resistant materials, including polymeric materials with the use of fire retardants, environmentally friendly cleaning and detergents.

Primary publications

  1. Shadrina N.E. Investigation of thermal, hygrothermal and sorption-structural characteristics of dispersed polymer materials and the choice of a rational method for their drying. Cand. dis., 1974.
  2. Sazhin B.S., Shadrina N.E. Selection and calculation of drying plants based on a comprehensive analysis of wet materials as drying objects. Tutorial. Moscow: MTI, 1979.
  3. Shadrina N.E. and other CAD systems for drying plants. Concept, structure, information base // Chemical and oil engineering. 1989.
  4. Shadrina N.E. and others. Phosphonates CUBLEN in cleaning products // Cleaning, No. 2, 2016.
  5. Shadrina N.E. and other Research of the drying process of optical polyvinylbuteral. Issuance of recommendations for the creation of an industrial plant with a capacity of 100 kg / h. On Sat. “Heat and mass transfer”, Minsk, 1985.