Redina Lyudmila

Doctor of Technical Sciences 

Professor ot the Kosygin State University of Russia

Contact Information:

119071, Moscow, Malaya Kaluzhskaya st., 1,

The Kosygin State University of Russia


tel. office: (495) 811-01-01 (ext. 1109)


  • Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymer Materials and Nanocomposites at the Kosygin State University of Russia.
  • Head of the “Nanotechnology of Polymer Materials” profile within the framework of the direction 18.03.01 Chemical Technology and co-head of the master’s program “Chemistry and Technology of Functional Polymer and Fibrous Materials”.
  • Laureate of the 2008 Kosygin Moscow State Textile University Prize Competition in Science; awarded the medal of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia “For Contribution to the Implementation of State Policy in the Field of Education” (2021).
  • Author of more than 200 scientific papers, including more than 90 articles and 8 patents for inventions, as well as more than 25 textbooks and guidelines for students.
  • Member of the editorial board of the journal “News of Universities. Technology of the Textile Industry”; Member of the State Examination Committee of the Institute of Chemical Technology and Industrial Ecology in the direction of Chemical Technology of the Kosygin State University of Russia.

Research interests

Development of physical and chemical principles for the processes of obtaining nanosized dispersions of polyfluoroalkyl acrylates and compositions based on them for modifying fibrous materials in order to impart anti-adhesive properties to them.

Primary publications

  1. Mirolyubova T.V., Redina L.V. Properties of composites based on thermoplastic polymer matrices filled with quasicrystals // International scientific and technical journal “Polymer materials and technologies” 2023, v.9. No.3. P.90-98.
  2. Kozub D.A., Redina L.V., Elmanovich I.V., Denisov M.E. Study of protective properties of fibrous materials modified with compositions based on fluoropolymer latex // News of universities. Technology of textile industry. – 2023. – No. 3 (405). – P. 156-162.
  3. Mirolyubova T.V., Redina L.V., Chmutin I.A., Kurnosova A.A. Production and study of antimicrobial properties of a polymer composite material filled with silver nanoparticles // Chemical fibers. 2022. No. 5. P. 33-36.
  4. Kolokolkina N.V., Redina L.V., Ignatov I.L. Production and study of the properties of modified fluorolon fiber containing polyfluoroalkyl acrylates in the structure // Bulletin of the St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Series 1. Natural and technical sciences. 2022. P. 39-41.
  5. Redina L.V. Increasing the efficiency of polyfluoroalkyl acrylates latexes by regulating their colloidal chemical properties // Industrial processes and technologies. 2022. Vol. 2 No. 4 (6) P. 59-65.
  6. Ryabkovaa O., Redina L., Salomatinaa E., Smirnovaa L. Hydrophobizated poly(titanium oxide) containing polymeric surfaces with UV-induced reversible wettability and self-cleaning properties// Surfaces and Interfaces.Volum 18, March 2020, 100452.
  7. Redina L.V. et al. Patent    RF No.      2086567 Copolymers of 1,1 – dihydroperfluoroalkyl acrylates with vinyl and vinylidene monomers as preparations for hydro-, oleophobic finishing of textile materials // B.I. No. 22 1997
  8. Redina L.V. (as part of the authors’ collective) Chemical fibers: principles of production, research methods and modification: Tutorial. – M. MSTU im. A.N. Kosygina, 2006. – 472 p.