Kulov Nikolaj

Co-Chair of the Presidium of the Committee


Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Chief Researcher at the Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of RAS.

Contact Information:

Working address: 119991 Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 31, IGIC RAS

Tel .: (495) 954 53 91

E-mail: kulov@igic.ras.ru


  • Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation.
  • Honorary Professor of the Russian Chemical Technical University named after D.I. Mendeleev.
  • Laureate of the USSR Ministers’ Prize of Light.
  • Editor-in-chief of the academic journal “Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Technology”.
  • Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences for Chemical Technology.
  • Vice-President of the Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society.
  • Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and medals.
  • Author of more than 300 publications, including a two-volume publication in the USA in the series “Modern Chemical Technology” on the separation of mixtures in gas (vapor) – liquid and liquid-liquid systems and a textbook for universities “Transfer Processes in Chemical Technology in collaboration with B.A. Ulyanov and A.V. Badennikov.

Research interests

An outstanding specialist in the field of chemical technology. The research carried out by him is devoted to the development of the physical and chemical foundations of the kinetics of mass transfer in two-phase flows, the study of the mechanism and intensification of separation processes, the development of hybrid separation processes, including catalytic distillation.

Developed physicochemical principles of mass transfer during film absorption of gases and during dissolution of solid particles in turbulent flows, methods for calculating hybrid crystallization processes from a melt. Established the optimal operating conditions for mass transfer packing apparatus in an intensive phase inversion mode.

Primary publications

  1. N.N. Kulov, G.R. Thwaites, R.N. Nedderman. Liquid Film Properties in Two-Phase Annular Flow, Chem. Engng. Science, 1976, v. 31, pp. 481-486.
  2. N.N. Kulov, E.K. Nikolaishvili, V.M. Barabash, L.N. Braginski, V.A. Maljusov, N.M. Zhavoronkov. Dissolution of solid particles suspended in agitated vessels. Chemical Engineering Communications, 1983, v. 21, No. 4-6, pp. 259-271.
  3. N.N. Kulov. Physicochemistry of separation of mixtures. In the book: Modern problems of general and inorganic chemistry. 2004. – M., IGIC RAS, p. 324- 333.
  4. Method of absorption, desorption with the participation of air in the emulsification mode. Auth. wit. USSR No. 1593001, 15.05.1990
  5. Method for carrying out mass transfer processes. Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2035939, 1995
  6. I. V. Ivanov, V. A. Lotkhov, N. N. Kulov. Modeling the process of periodic extractive rectification. Theorist. chemistry basics technologies, 2017, volume 51, no. 3, p. 239-247.
  7. N.N. Kulov, L. S. Gordeev.Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology// Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2014, Vol. 48, No. 3, pp. 225-229.