Kostanyan Artak

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Contact Information:

119991, Moscow, st. Leninsky prospect, 31, Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGIC RAS).
e-mail: kost@igic.ras.ru
Tel. work .: (495) 955-48-34
Tel. mob .: 8-906-092-01-84


  • Chief Researcher of Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IGIC RAS).
  • Winner of prizes of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the field of science and technology and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.
  • Foreign member of the National Academy of the Republic of Armenia.
  • Author of more than 300 works, including 1 scientific monograph, 1 textbook for higher education, over 70 patents (including 8 foreign) and copyright certificates.

Research interests

Processes and apparatus of chemical technology (liquid extraction, liquid-liquid chromatography, chemical reactors, mathematical modeling).

Primary publications

  1. A.E. Kostanyan, M.M. Martynova, A.A Erastov, V.V. Belova. Simultaneous concentration and separation of target compounds from multicomponent mixtures by closed-loop recycling countercurrent chromatography // Journal of Chromatography A, V. 1560, 2018, P. 26-34.
  2. A.E. Kostanyan, O.N. Shishilov. An easy-to-use calculating machine to simulate steady state and non-steady-state preparative separations by multiple dual mode counter-current chromatography with semi-continuous loading of feed mixtures // Chromatogr. A, 2018. V. 1552, P. 92-98.
  3. A.E. Kostanyan Theoretical study of separation and concentration of solutes by closed-loop recycling liquid-liquid chromatography with multiple sample injection // Journal of Chromatography A, V. 1506, 2017, P. 82–92
  4. Kostanyan A.E. Analysis of the non-stationary process of convective diffusion in a closed one-dimensional loop // Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Technology Vol. 51, No. 6, 2017, p. 678-686
  5. Kostanyan A.E. Extraction chromatographic separation of rare-earth metals in a cascade of centrifugal extractors // Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 62, no. 12, p. 1666-1671
  6. A.E. Kostanyan Simple equations to simulate closed-loop recycling liquid–liquidchromatography: Ideal and non-ideal recycling models // Journal of Chromatography A, V. 1423, 2015, P. 71-78. 2015. 1423.
  7. A.E. Kostanyan Modeling of preparative closed-loop recycling liquid-liquid chromatography with specified duration of sample loading // Journal of Chromatography A, V. 1471, 2016, p. 94-101.
  8. A.E. Kostanyan. A.A Erastov Theoretical study of closed-loop recycling liquid-liquid chromatography and experimental verification of the theory // Journal of Chromatography A, V. 1462, 2016, p. 55-62.