Kosheleva Mariya
Scientific Secretary of the Committee
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Professor of the Kosygin State University of Russia.
Contact Information:
117997, Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 33, building 1, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “The Kosygin State University of Russia”.
e-mail: oxtpaxt@ya.ru
Tel. work .: (495) 955-35-90; 955-33-86
Tel. mob .: 8-926-355-04-48
- Professor of the Department of Energy and Resource Efficient Technologies, Industrial Ecology and Safety of the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Industrial Ecology of the Kosygin State University of Russia.
- Laureate of the RF Government Prize in Science and Technology.
- Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia.
- Full member of the International Pedagogical Academy.
- Author of more than 300 works, including 1 scientific monograph, 2 textbooks for higher education with the ULMO stamp on education in chemical technology and biotechnology, 16 patents and certificates of industry and state registration of development (a license was sold to use one patent).
- Head of the master’s program “Innovative safe energy-saving industrial technologies”.
Research interests
Research and improvement of the efficiency of mass transfer processes in systems with a solid phase (thermal and moisture treatment of textile materials, drying), including when using physical fields. Industrial and environmental safety.
Improving the forms of training and control of students’ knowledge in the study of disciplines of engineering chemistry.
Primary publications
- Kosheleva M.K. and other RF Patent No. 2100501 dated 27.12.97 for the invention “Method of liquid processing of woolen fabrics after dyeing” (license).
- Sazhin B.S., Kosheleva M.K. “Processes of drying and washing of textile materials” // Monograph. – M.: FGBOU VPO “MGUDT”, 2013. – 301 p.
- Rudobashta S.P., Kosheleva M.K., Kartashov E.M. Nonstationary mass transfer at the surface of a cylindrical body // Inzhenerno-fizicheskii zhurnal. Volume 88, No. 6, 2015, p. 1276-1284.
- Rudobashta S.P., Kosheleva M.K., Kartashov E.M., Mathematical modeling of the extraction of a target component from cylindrical bodies in a semicontinuous process, Inzhenerno-fizicheskii zhurnal. Volume 89, No. 3, 2016, p. 595-602.
- Kosheleva M.K., Rudobashta S.P., Novikova T.A. Structural, sorption and mass-conducting properties of polycaproamide // Journal “Chemical fibers”, No. 5, 2015, pp. 35-39.
- Rudobashta, S.P. and Kosheleva, M.K., Determination of mass transfer coefficients and mass conductivity from kinetic curves, Izv. universities. Textile industry technology. 2015, No. 6, pp. 175–180.
- Kosheleva M.K. (as part of the team of authors) General chemical technology in examples, tasks, laboratory work and tests: Textbook. allowance. – M .: INFRA-M, 2015 .– 447 p. – (Higher education: Bachelor’s degree).
- Kosheleva M.K. (as part of the group of authors) Laboratory workshop on general chemical technology: / ed. V.S. Beskova. – Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.-279 p .: ill. – (textbook for higher education).