Kil’deeva Nataliya

Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor.

Head of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymeric Materials and Nanocomposites of the Kosygin State University of Russia

Contact Information:

117997, Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 33, building 1, the Kosygin State University of Russia
Tel. work .: (495) 955-33-05; 955-33-77
Tel. mob .: 8-916-944-27-37


  • Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Worker of the Higher School.
  • Member of the RAS Scientific Council for Physical Chemistry (Section Physical Chemistry of Polymers).
  • Vice President of the Russian Chitinous Society.
  • Author of over 200 papers in leading scientific journals.
  • Head of educational programs for bachelor’s degree “Nanotechnology of polymer materials”, master’s degree “Polymeric materials for biomedical purposes” and postgraduate studies “Technology and processing of polymers and composites.

Research interests

Biodegradable matrices based on hyaluronic acid and chitosan with immobilized proteins and low molecular weight natural compounds.

Scientific foundations of the processes of forming fibrous polymer carriers for the creation of new materials for biomedical purposes, environmental protection and chemical analytical systems.

Primary publications

  1. Kildeeva N.R., Galbraikh L.S. Fibrous and film materials for medicine and biotechnology. Part 2 Biodegradable materials: monograph. – M .: FGBOU VPO “MGUDT”, 2015. – 100 p.
  2. Bychuk M.A., Kildeeva N.R., Cherdyntseva T.A. Film materials from a mixture of biodegradable polyesters with antimicrobial and proteolytic activity // Chemical and Pharmaceutical Journal. – 2014.T.48. No. 1. S. 45-49.
  3. Bychuk M.A., Vladimirov L.V., Kildeeva N.R. Features of the formation of the structure of films from mixed solutions of biodegradable polyesters // Plastic mass. – 2014. – No. 10. – S. 18-20.
  4. Bychuk, M. A., Kil’deeva, N. R., Kurinova, M. A., Bogdanov, N. V., Kalinin, M. V., Novikov, A. V., & Vikhoreva, G. A. Electrospinning of biodegradable polymer scaffolds. // Fiber Chemistry, 2015, 46 (6), 345-348.
  5. Bychuk M.A., Vladimirov L.V., Kildeeva N.R. Features of the structure formation of films from mixed solutions of biodegradable polyesters // Int. Polym. Sci. and Technol., 2016, No. 3, T. 43, pp. 19 – 24.
  6. Mikhailov S.N., Zakharova A.N., Drenichev M. S., Ershov A.V., Kasatkina M. A., Vladimirov L.V., Novikov V.V., Kildeeva N. R. Crosslinking of chitosan with dialdehyde derivatives of nucleosides and nucleotides. Mechanism and comparison with glutaraldehyde // Nucleosides Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2016, No. 1, pp. 114-129.
  7. NA Sazhneva, MG Drozdovab, IA Rodionovc, NR Kil’deevaa,, TV Balabanovab, EA Markvichevab, and VI Lozinskyc Preparation of chitosan cryostructurates with controlled porous morphology and their use as 3d-scaffolds for thetivation biochemical of animal cells // App and microbiology, 2018, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 459-467.
  8. A. Veleshko, N. Kil’deeva, E. Rumyantsevaa, N. Pal, V. Ozhogina Fiber materials based on amine-containing copolymer eudragit for radioanalytical applications // Czech Chem. Soc. Symp. Ser. 16, P. 139 (2018) SEP. P22 (Id: 610).