Kazub Valerij

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.

Contact Information:

357532, Pyatigorsk, Kalinin Ave., 11, PMFI branch of Volgograd State Medical University
e-mail: bukva46@mail.ru
Work number: (8793) 38-07-10
Mob. number: 8-918-787-55-46


  • Head of the Department of Physics and Mathematics of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, branch of the Volgograd State Medical University.

  • Author of over 250 works, including 3 monographs, 17 copyright certificates and patents for inventions.

Research interests

Research and efficiency improvement of raw material extraction processes under the influence of high-intensity electric fields.

Primary publications

  1. Kazub V.T. “Extraction of biologically active compounds using electrical discharges in a liquid” // Monograph. – Ed. Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia, 300 p. – 2013.
  2. Kazub V.T., Koshkarova A.G. Intensification of extraction processes by a high-intensity pulsed electric field. Vestnik TSTU. 2014.Vol. 20.No. 3. – P. 496-501.
  3. Rudobashta S.P., Kazub V.T., Koshkarova A.G. Water extraction of raw materials under the influence of a high-intensity pulsed electric field // Bulletin of the FSBEI HPE “Moscow State Agrarian University named after V.P. Goryachkina “. 2016. No. 4 (74). S. 16-21.
  4. Kazub V.T., Orobinskaya V.N., Pisarenko O.N., Konovalov D.A. The effect of electric discharge treatment on biologically active compounds (ascorbic acid and lycopene) // International scientific research journal. 2016. No. 5-6 (47). S. 23-26.
  5. Kazub V.T. and other RF patent for invention № 2157231 from 25.06.99. RF. “A method of obtaining water-soluble polysaccharides with hepatoprotective activity from ginseng leaves.”
  6. Kazub V.T. and other RF patent for invention № 2169003 RF dated 19.07.99. “A method for producing polysaccharides from ginseng leaves or meal.”
  7. Rudobashta S.P., Kazub V.T., Koshkarova A.G. Investigation of the kinetics of extraction of raw materials under the influence of a pulsed field of high intensity. Vestnik MGAU im. V.P.
  8. Goryachkina. – 2017. – No. 5 (75). – S. 49-56.
    Kazub V.T., Koshkarova A.G., Rudobashta S.P. Experimental study of extraction modes // Modern Science and Innovations. – 2017, No. 3. – P. 50-58.