Kardashev Genrih
Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Professor of Moscow State University of Environmental Engineering.
Contact Information:
127055, Moscow, st. Novolesnaya, 3- 2-57
e-mail: gkardashev@yandex.ru
Tel. mob.: 8 (915) 250 68 80
Website: http://michm.ru/
- Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
Author of over 100 works, including 2 scientific monographs, 3 books on electronics, 68 certificates of industry and state registration of development (including one UK patent). - Professor-consultant of the MOSCOW INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCING THE QUALIFICATION OF WORKERS OF THE CHEMICAL INDUSTRY and ENGINEERINGFILTER (NIICHIMMASH), Moscow.
- Head of the site “Virtual MIKhM” http://michm.ru/
Research interests
Investigation of the mechanisms of the processes of chemical technology under special physical influences (acoustic fields, especially ultrasound and shock waves; electromagnetic fields, including the microwave range; lasers), the development on this basis of non-standard high-tech processes and their hardware design, as well as the intensification of existing technological processes; energy and resource conservation, development of these studies in the field of electromagnetic ecology and nanotechnology.
Engineering education problems and popularization of scientific and technical achievements.
Primary publications
- Kardashev G.A., Mikhailov P.E. Heat and mass transfer acoustic processes and devices. M., “Mechanical Engineering”, 1973, 223 p.
- Kardashev G.A. Physical methods of intensification of chemical technology processes. – M .: Chemistry, 1990 .– 208 p.
- Kardashev GA .. Virtual electronics. Computer simulation of analog devices. – M .: Hot line-Telecom, 2002, 260 p.
- Kardashev G. A. Digital electronics on a personal computer. – M .: Hotline-Telecom, 2003, 311 p.
- Kardashev G. A .. Radio electronics with a computer and a soldering iron. – M .: Hot line-Telecom, 2007, 350 p.
- Generalized approach to automation of control and intensification of complex chemical engineering systems. // SSTU, 2011. № 3 (58), issue 2, pp. 92 – 99. (Co-author Mokrova N.V.)
- Computer analysis of the influence of the design and operating parameters of the vortex ejector on the injection coefficient. Chemical and Oil and Gas Engineering, No. 3, 2012, p. 5 – 9. (Co-authors Lagutkin M.G., Isaev S.V.)
- Modernization of high-tech systems for processing natural raw materials. // Automation and modern technologies. 2012, No. 6. P. 34 – 39. (Co-author Mokrova N.V.)