Davidhanova Mariya

Candidate of technical sciences.
Associate Professor of Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia.
Contact Information:
e-mail: maria@muctr.ru, mary-d2000@mail.ru
Tel. work .: (499) 978-90-63; 978-90-63
Tel. mob .: 8-916-688-40-38
- Associate Professor of the Department of General Chemical Technology of the Faculty of Engineering Chemistry, Deputy Dean for Science.
- Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
- Author of more than 50 scientific and methodological works, 1 textbook for higher education with the UMO stamp on education in the field of chemical technology and biotechnology, 1 patent.
Research interests
Investigation and improvement of the efficiency of heterogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic processes, polyfunctional sorption-catalytic systems based on HPCM.
Improving the forms of training and control of students’ knowledge in the study of disciplines of engineering chemistry.
Primary publications
- V.S.Beskov, I.E. Furmer, M.G.Davidkhanova. Chemical technological systems. Lecture text. Moscow, MHTI. – 1984. 48 p.
- MG Davidkhanova Methods for testing the activity of industrial catalysts //. Interuniversity. Sat. “Theoretical and experimental chemistry of catalytic reactions and polymers”, Cheboksary, 1987, pp. 20-23.
- V.S. Beskov, M.G. Davidkhanova, V.A. Panteleev Optimization of measuring the activity of industrial catalysts // Journal “Chemical Industry”, 1989, No. 5, pp. 369-373
- V.S. Beskov, M.G. Davidkhanova, V.I. Tsarev. Automated system of settlement work in engineering courses in chemical technology. Tutorial. RKhTU them. DI. Mendeleev, Moscow, 1997, 83 p.
- V.S. Beskov, M.G. Davidkhanova, V.I. Tsarev. Automated system of settlement work in engineering courses in chemical technology. Tutorial. 2nd ed. rev. and add. M .: RKhTU im. DI. Mendeleev, Moscow, 2003.104 p.
- M.G. Davidkhanova Multicomponent nonisothermal diffusion in the heterogeneous decomposition of condensed matter // International Conf. for chemical reactors “Khimreaktor-14”. Abstracts. report – Novosibirsk, IK RAS, 1998. from. 162-163.
- V.S. Beskov, M.G. Davidkhanova Thermal phenomena during thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate melt // Coll. scientific papers. Processes and materials of the chemical industry. RCTU. 2000. Issue 178. S. 16-19.
- V.S. Beskov, M.G. Davidkhanova Decomposition of ammonium nitrate melt in a dispersed stream // Coll. scientific papers. Processes and materials of the chemical industry. RCTU. 2000. Issue 178. S. 20-23.