Bychkova Irina


PhD in Engineering Science

Associate Professor of The Kosygin State University of Russia

Contact Information:

117997, Moscow, st. Sadovnicheskaya, 33, bldg. 1, Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art) “
Tel. work .: (495) 951-30-57
Tel. mob .: 8-916-130-40-11


  • Associate Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Director of the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Industrial Ecology of The Kosygin State University of Russia.
  • Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.
  • Author of more than 80 works, including 3 textbooks with the stamp UMOLEGPROM, 6 patents.
  • Head of the main professional educational program “Chemical technology of cosmetics, biologically active substances and dyes”.

Research interests

Investigation of dispersions of fibrillar proteins and increasing their functional efficiency using targeted modification to create targeted compositions in the processes of finishing the hair coat of semi-finished fur. Improving the forms of students’ independent work, the nature of leadership and methods of control in the discipline “organic chemistry”.

Primary publications

  1. Zakharova A.A., Saltykova V.S., Moiseeva L.V., Bychkova N.N. “Methods for processing solid waste of consumption” // collection of scientific papers of the International Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the birth of A. N. Planovsky (September 8-9, 2016). T. 2 / M .: FGBOU VO MGUDT, 2016 .– 350 p.
  2. Morgun O.S., Bychkova I.N., Zakharova A.A. “Analysis of the state of the air basin at light industry enterprises” // Technologies and materials in the production of innovative consumer goods: Collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 80th birthday of V.А. Fukin. Part 1. – M .: MGUDT, 2015 .– 178 p.
  3. Bychkova I.N., Esina G.F., Moiseeva L.V. “Obtaining and modification of biopolymer compositions based on collagen dissolution products” // Technologies and materials in the production of innovative consumer goods: a collection of scientific articles dedicated to the 80th birthday of V.А. Fukin. Part 2. – Moscow: MGUDT, 2015 .– 192 p.
  4. Lineva V.S., Bychkova I.N., Ilkovich Yu.V., Esina G.F., Moiseeva L.V. “Composition for the coloristic finishing of the hairline” // Patent RU No. 2492195 IPC С08L 5/00; declared 03/02/12; publ. 10.09.13, Bull. No. 25
  5. Ilkovich Yu.V., Esina G.F., Lineva V.S., Bychkova I.N., Moiseeva L.V. “Biopolymer composition for processing a fur semi-finished product” // Patent RU No. 2496808 IPC С08L 5/00; declared 03/02/12; publ. 10/27/13, Bul. No. 30
  6. Rodionov V.I., Stankevich G.S., Sharipov F.E., Bychkova I.N., Kobrakov K.I. “Synthesis of azo dyes containing chelating groups in the structure and their use to obtain materials with increased complexing properties relative to ions of some metals” // In the collection of materials of the conference “Design, technologies and innovations in the textile and light industry (INNOVATIONS – 2015)” MGUDT. 2015. Part 2, pp. 192-193.
  7. Polyakov Ya.B., Bychkova I.N., Ruchkina A.G., Karavaeva E.B. “Experience in the production and use of betulin salicylates in azo coupling reactions” // in the collection of materials of the conference “Design, technologies and innovations in textile and light industry (INNOVATIONS – 2015)” MGUDT. 2015. Part 2, pp. 185-187.
  8. Stankevich G.S., Bychkova I.N., Rodionov V.I., Kobrakov K.I., Kuznetsov D.N., Ruchkina A.G. “Innovative nanomodified textile materials: Theory and practice of obtaining, areas and experience of use” // Collection of scientific papers of the International scientific and technical symposium “Modern engineering problems of the consumer goods industry” of the International Scientific and Technical Forum “First International Kosygin Readings” Volume 1. – M .: FGBOU VO “RGU im. A.N. Kosygin “, 2017. p. 270-274