Berengarten Mikhail

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor.

Professor of the Department “Hardware design and automation
technological production in Moscow Polytechnic University “

Contact Information:
107023, Moscow, st. B. Semenovskaya, 38
Moscow Polytechnic University
e-mail: berengarten @ mailru
Tel. 9-903-728-97-87


  • Laureate of the RF Government Prize in the field of education.
  • Laureate of the A.N. Kosygin.
  • Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia.
  • Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety.
  • Author of about 300 works, including textbooks and teaching aids for universities, monographs, articles in encyclopedias, patents.

Research interests

Energy-saving processes of chemical technology, research of mass transfer processes, industrial ecology, problems of higher education.

Primary publications

  1. Kutepov A.M., Bondareva T.I., Berengarten M.G. General chemical technology // Textbook for universities, 3rd edition, M .: ICC “Akademkniga”, 2007 – 528 p.
  2. Berengarten M.G. Environmental problems of coal mining and processing. Energy Bulletin, 2017 №23, p. 34-40.
  3. Ivanova A.A., Berengarten M.G., Bulatov M.A. Regeneration with help. Solutions of a natural surfactant of a fast quartz filter used for cleaning from petroleum products. Water: chemistry and ecology. 2017. No. 10 (112). S. 124-133.
  4. Sokol B.A., Baranov D.A., Berengarten M.G., Chernyshev A.K. Mass transfer column packing – M .: InfoKhIM, 2009 .– 358 p.
  5. Pushnov A.S., Bagomedov M.G.G., Berengarten M.G. Influence of geometric characteristics of contact devices on hydrodynamics and efficiency of heat and mass transfer processes. Chemical industry. 2018.T.95. Number 3.
    p. 124-133
  6. Berengarten M.G. (as part of the group of authors) Laboratory workshop on general chemical technology: / ed. V.S. Beskova. – Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.-279 p .: ill. – (textbook for high school)
  7. Berengarten M.G. Wastes and Problem of Sustainable Development. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2003