Berengarten Mikhail

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor.
Professor of the Department “Hardware design and automation
technological production in Moscow Polytechnic University “
Contact Information:
107023, Moscow, st. B. Semenovskaya, 38
Moscow Polytechnic University
e-mail: berengarten @ mailru
Tel. 9-903-728-97-87
- Laureate of the RF Government Prize in the field of education.
- Laureate of the A.N. Kosygin.
- Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia.
- Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology and Life Safety.
- Author of about 300 works, including textbooks and teaching aids for universities, monographs, articles in encyclopedias, patents.
Research interests
Energy-saving processes of chemical technology, research of mass transfer processes, industrial ecology, problems of higher education.
Primary publications
- Kutepov A.M., Bondareva T.I., Berengarten M.G. General chemical technology // Textbook for universities, 3rd edition, M .: ICC “Akademkniga”, 2007 – 528 p.
- Berengarten M.G. Environmental problems of coal mining and processing. Energy Bulletin, 2017 №23, p. 34-40.
- Ivanova A.A., Berengarten M.G., Bulatov M.A. Regeneration with help. Solutions of a natural surfactant of a fast quartz filter used for cleaning from petroleum products. Water: chemistry and ecology. 2017. No. 10 (112). S. 124-133.
- Sokol B.A., Baranov D.A., Berengarten M.G., Chernyshev A.K. Mass transfer column packing – M .: InfoKhIM, 2009 .– 358 p.
- Pushnov A.S., Bagomedov M.G.G., Berengarten M.G. Influence of geometric characteristics of contact devices on hydrodynamics and efficiency of heat and mass transfer processes. Chemical industry. 2018.T.95. Number 3.
p. 124-133 - Berengarten M.G. (as part of the group of authors) Laboratory workshop on general chemical technology: / ed. V.S. Beskova. – Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2010.-279 p .: ill. – (textbook for high school)
- Berengarten M.G. Wastes and Problem of Sustainable Development. In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK, 2003