Babkin Valery

President of the International Institute for the Problems of Chemicalization of the Modern Economy
Member of the Presidium of the Expert Council of the State Duma of the Russian Federation
Academician of the International Academy of Information Processes and Technologies
Corresponding Member of the Russian Engineering Academy
Member of the Council of the New Economic Association IE RAS RF
Member of the Presidium of the Association “Basic Processes and Technique of Industrial Technologies”
Honored Chemist of the RSFSR, Honorary Chemist, laureate of the A.N. Kosygin, Laureate of the N.K. Baybakova
Contact Information
119180, Moscow, 1st Golutvinsky per., 1, office ten
Tel. (495) 935 8355
- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Doctor.
- State and public figure, entrepreneur.
- For many years he was in charge of a large chemical enterprise.
- Author of the Concept NEW STRATEGY KHIMNEFTEGAZPROM 2030.
- He was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Badges of Honor, the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, and many medals.
- Author of 10 monographs, over 100 articles, over 40 inventions.
Research interests
Basic organic synthesis technologies; Development of a long-term strategy for Khimneftegazprom; Introduction of new technologies in the production of industrial fertilizers; Development and implementation of waste-free technologies for chemical production; Development of scientific foundations for optimizing the instrumentation of chemical processes; Statistical methods of product quality management; Intensification of production activities and complex automation of chemical industry enterprises; Development of new types of complex fertilizers; Fluorine chemistry; Efficiency of the agrochemical business in Russia.
Primary publications
- Babkin V.V., Uspensky D.D. New strategy Chemistry 2030. High conversion of raw materials. Clustering. Chemicalization of the RF industry. Moscow, 2015
- Babkin V.V., Uspensky D.D. Chemical clusters and port factories: a new perspective. Moscow 2013
- V.V. Babkin Agrochemical business in Russia. Moscow, 2005
Babkin V.V., Brodsky A.A. Phosphate fertilizers in Russia. Moscow, 1995 - Babkin V.V., Uspensky D.D. Chemicalization and development strategy of the petrochemical complex // “”. 2018, no. 8
- Babkin V.V., Promonenkov V.K., Ovcharenko M.M., Lyubimov A.P. An innovative concept of plant protection products in the Russian Federation // Chemical industry today. No. 8/2017
- Babkin V.V. Review of the production of phosphate fertilizers in Russia, export and domestic production – the experience of JSC “Ammophos”. Moscow, 1993
- Promonenkov V.K., Gorshkov M.I., Babkin V.V., Ovcharenko M.M., Anisimov S.V. Energy information fields and plant life. Moscow, 2018