Akulich Alexandr
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Vice-rector for scientific work of the educational institution “Mogilev State University of Food Technologies”.
Honorary Professor of MSUFT.
Honored Inventor of the Republic of Belarus.
Academician of the International Academy of Refrigeration.
Twice scholar of the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Contact Information:
212027, Mogilev, Schmidt Avenue, 3, “Mogilev State University of Food Technologies” (MSUFT)
e-mail: mgup@mogilev.by
Tel. work .: 810 375 222 488573
Tel. mob .: 810 37529 7463347
- Laureate of the Academician A.V. Lykov of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
- Awarded with the sign of the Ministry of Education – “Excellence in Education”.
- Editor-in-chief of the journal “Herald of the Mogilev State University of Food Technologies”.
- Chairman of the Council for the Defense of Doctoral and Candidate Dissertations at the Mogilev State University of Food Technologies.
- Vice President of the International Association of Universities for Food Science and Technology (Bulgaria)
- Member of the working commission of the Scientific and educational consortium of universities and research institutes of the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Author of over 370 scientific and educational works, including one monograph, two textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
- Author of 80 inventions and patents of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Introduced into production more than 60 vortex dust collectors and dryers of various types.
Research interests
Research in the field of processes and apparatus for food and chemical industries, theory and technology of swirling flows and development of highly efficient apparatus with active hydrodynamics.
Primary publications
- Akulich A.V., Lustenkov V.M., Akulich A.A. Effective methods and devices for cleaning dust and gas flows from fine particles. Herald of the Mogilev State University of Food Technologies, No. 1 (24), 2018. – pp. 75–81.
- Alexandr V. Akulich, Viktor M. Lustenkov, Viachaslau A. Sharshunou, Alexandr A. Akulich. Studies on the Hydrodynamics of the Combined Dust Collector on the Basis of Vortex Flows and Outer Filtering and the Development of the Effective Methods of Cleaning Gases from Solid Particles / Alexandr V. Akulich, Viktor M. Lustenkov, Viachaslau A. Sharshunou, Alexandr A. Akulich // “Food Science, Engineering and Technology – 2016”: Scientific Works of University of Food Technologies Proceedings of the 63rd Scientific Conference with Internacional Participation: Volume 63, Issue 1, s.283–288.
- Akulich A.V., Lustenkov V.M., Akulich A.A. Method of gas cleaning from solid particles. Eurasian patent 029246 for an invention application No. 201500461 dated 01.04.2015. Published in the EAPO Bulletin “Inventions (Eurasian Applications and Patents)”, No. 2. – 2018
- Zhmykhov I.N., Galbraikh L.S., Akulich A.V., Shcherbina L.A., Sorokin F.A. Processes and equipment for the production of fibrous and film materials: textbook. allowance: with electron. adj. / IN Zhmykhov et al. – Minsk: Higher school, 2013. – 587 p .: ill. + 1 electron. wholesale disk.
- Akulich P.V., Temruk A.V., Akulich A.V. Modeling and experimental study of heat and moisture transfer during microwave convective drying of plant materials. IFZh, t. 85, No. 5, 2012, S. 951-958.
- Akulich A.V., Shushkevich K.V., Akulich A.A. Vortex counter-current dust collector VPP-300 for catching spices, Food Industry, Moscow, No. 10, 2012. – P.20-21.
- Akulich P.V., Akulich A.V., Dragun V.L. Wave motion and heat and mass transfer of the disperse phase under the conditions of low-frequency gas pulsations. International Journal of heat and mass Transfer 53, 2010, (3213–3221)
- Akulich A.V., Gostinshchikova L.A. Investigation of the kinetics of the drying process of berry raw materials with various methods of energy supply. Food Science and Technology. – Odessa, No. 2 (23), 2013. – P.112-115.