Akatiev Vladimir

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Professor of the Department E9 of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Contact Information:
105005, Moscow, Lefortovskaya nab., 1, department E9
Tel .: (499) 263-68-93e-mail: Akatiev07@mail.ru
Tel. work.: (499) 263-68-93
Tel. mob.: 8-903-789-11-64
- Professor of the Department E9 – “Ecology and Industrial Safety” of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
- Laureate of the RF Government Prize in Science and Technology (2002).
- Academician of MANEB, academician of RAE. Founder of the scientific school “Development, assessment and implementation of risk mitigation tools” (RAE certificate No. 01185, 2018).
- Author of over 300 works, including over 100 inventions and over 10 textbooks and teaching aids.
Research interests
Research and improvement of safety and efficiency of complex technical systems, including the use of non-destructive testing of technological installations. Industrial and environmental safety. Improving the forms of teaching and control of students’ knowledge in the study of disciplines of engineering ecology.
Primary publications
- Results of experimental studies of heat and mass transfer processes in a closed two-phase thermosyphon / Aleksandrov A.A., Akatiev V.A., Tyurin M.P. and others // HERALD OF THE BAUMAN MOSCOW STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Ser. Natural Sciences. 2018.No. 4.P. 45-58.
- Solution of external and internal problems of heat and mass transfer for a closed two-phase thermosiphon / Aleksandrov A.A., Akat’ev V.A., Tyurin M.P. and other HERALD OF THE BAUMAN MOSCOW STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Series: Natural Sciences. 2017. No. 4. S. 109-121.
- Improving the efficiency of control of chimneys using an autonomous apparatus / Aleksandrov A.A., Akatiev V.A., Larionov V.I. and other HERALD OF THE BAUMAN MOSCOW STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY.. Series: Mechanical Engineering. 2017. No. 1. P. 24-40.
- Intra-tube flaw detection of a functioning industrial chimney / Aleksandrov A.A., Sushchev S.P., Akat’ev V.A. and other HERALD OF THE BAUMAN MOSCOW STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY.. Series: Mechanical Engineering. 2016. No. 6. S. 128-135.
- Methods and tools for assessing and reducing seismic risk. Review / Akatiev V.A., Metelkin E.V., Nigmetov G.M. Safety in the technosphere. 2016.Vol. 5.No. 5.P. 75-86.
- Improving the quality and efficiency of in-line inspection of a functioning chimney of oil and gas production using an autonomous apparatus / Volkova L.V., Akatiev V.A. Oil and gas business. 2016.Vol. 14.No. 4.P. 113-120.
- Akatev V.A. Monitoring of the technical condition of functioning equipment in risk management / Monograph. – M .: RGSU, 2009 .– 200 p.
- Akatev V.A. Scientific-methodical and organizational aspects in the management of technogenic risk / Monograph. – M .: Publishing house of the Russian State Social University, 2012 .– 274 p.