Lesovik Valery

Doctor of Technical Sciences

Professor of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shukhov(BSTU)

Contact information:

308012, Belgorod, st. Kostyukov, 46, BSTU
e-mail: naukavs@mail.ru
tel.: (4722) 55-82-01;
mob.: 8-910-361-32-63


  • Head of the department, professor of “Building materials science, products and structures” of the Civil Engineering Institute of BSTU.
  • Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architectural and Construction Sciences.
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
  • Honored worker of higher education of the Russian Federation.
  • Vice President of the “Association of Scientists in the Field of Building Materials Science”
    laureate of the A.N. Kosygin.
  • Author of more than 550 works, including 45 monographs, textbooks and teaching aids under the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and 55 patents.
  • Over the years of work at the university, he participated in the training of more than 25 thousand highly qualified specialists.

Research interests

The author of the new transdisciplinary scientific direction Geonics (geomimetics).

Primary publications

  1. Лесовик В.С. Строительные материалы. Настоящее и будущее // Вестник МГСУ. 2017. т. 12. № 1 (100). с. 9-16.
  2. Лесовик В.С. Геоника (геомиметика). Примеры реализации в строительном материаловедении. Монография. 2-е издание, дополненное. Белгород 2016г. с.-286.
  3. В.С. Лесовик Архитектурная геоника. Взгляд в будущее // Вестник ВолгГАСУ. Сер.:Стр-во и архит.2013.Вып.31 (50). Ч.1.Города России. – С. – 131 – 136.
  4. Lesovik V.S. Geonics.Subject and objectives: Monography. Belgorod 2012. 100c.
  5. Lesovik, V. S.; Vorontsov V. M.; Glagolev, E. S. Increasing efficiency of composite thermal insulation foam concretes // International Conference on Actual Issues of Mechanical Engineering (AIME). AER-Advances in Engineering Research. 2017. Том: 133 Стр.: 414-419
  6. Lesovik, V. S.; Elistratkin, M. Ju.; Glagolev, E. S. To the problem of man – material – habitat system comfort increase // Turkish online journal of design art and communication. 2016. Том: 6 Стр.: 2985-2992
  7. Lesovik, V.S., Glagolev, E.S., Popov, D.Y., Lesovik, G.A., Ageeva, M.S. Textile-reinforced concrete using composite binder based on new types of mineral raw materials // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering . 2018. pp.327(3),032033
  8. Lesovik, V.S., Volodchenko, A.A., Glagolev, E.S., Lashina, I.V., Feduk, R.S. Theoretical backgrounds of nonered materials production based on new raw materials // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2018. pp. 327(4),042064